Empowering Minds, One Page at a Time

Library Cards

Library Cards

Interested in getting a library card? Here are the things you’ll need:

  • A picture ID with your address. If you don’t have one with your current address, you must also bring in a piece of official mail received through the postal service with your name and current address.
  • The name and telephone number of a reference person not residing in your home. We need this number in the event we cannot reach you by your telephone number. We only contact reference numbers under extenuating circumstances.
  • If you own a business, property, or reside in Oakland, your card is free. Unfortunately, if you do not reside in Oakland or pay Oakland taxes, you must pay a $25 yearly fee, which is due when you first sign up for your card.  Seasonal cards for non-residents are $15.00 covering from Memorial Day (May) to Ingenious Peoples Day (October).
  • You must be either 5 years old, or in the first grade, to be issued your own library card. Until the child reaches this point, they may check out materials under a relative’s or guardian’s card, with permission. However, the cardholder will be held responsible for lost, overdue, or damaged books. Those under 14 years of age need a parent’s or guardian’s signature

Library Card Rules:

  • You may check out 2 items with your card on your first visit to the library. After returning these items, you have normal circulation privileges.
  • Once past the initial probationary period, patrons with individual memberships may check out up to 8 library materials at any given time, this includes all materials, such as movies audio cassettes, as well as books.  Family memberships may check out up to 20 library materials at any given time.
  • Patrons are given 2 weeks to return books. Library materials may be renewed once again in person, over the phone, or replying to our reminder email. Renewed items receive an additional 2 weeks. Items with a waiting list/reserved list may not be renewed.
  • Late books accumulate a 5¢-a-day fine. Patrons are given one day of grace past the due date.